20 Advanced English Phrases to Express Anger

Learn 20 advanced English phrases related to anger. Boost your English speaking skills and learn how to handle conversations like a native speaker.

Learn how you can express emotions effectively in English and maintain control during conversations. Ideal for ESL students looking to improve their English and speak confidently, no matter the situation.

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20 Advanced English Phrases for Anger

In today’s lesson, we’re going to learn English phrases related to anger. Some might be new to you, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure to explain them clearly.

These expressions are perfect for times when you’re really frustrated—like if you drop your favourite mug and it breaks, lose your car keys, or someone damages your car. Using these phrases will help you express your anger more effectively.

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become irate

When to use: when someone is extremely angry, often due to a specific situation that has deeply upset them


Sarah became irate as her colleague continued to interrupt her during the crucial client meeting.

Daniel became irate when the receptionist couldn’t find his reservation, despite booking months in advance.

When the internet went down again, the students working on their assignments all started to become irate.

be cross/furious with somebody

When to use: to describe being mildly to moderately angry at someone, typically over something specific


Mum was cross that Sarah still had her headphones on, clearly ignoring the untouched homework.

When I saw the interview shortlist without my name, I became furious. My qualifications were perfect!

be seething with anger

When to use: when someone is extremely angry but trying to control it


Seeing her name missing from the promotion list, Sarah was seething with anger.

He was seething with anger when he got a letter of rejection.

full of indignation/rage

When to use: really angry, but ‘indignation’ is when you’re mad because something seems unfair, and ‘rage’ is just pure, out-of-control anger


People feel full of indignation when they’re passed over for a job or promotion because of their age or gender.

John was full of rage when he saw someone spraying graffiti on his house.

20 Advanced English Phrases for Anger

20 Advanced English phrases for anger. Improve your English skills from intermediate to advanced with www.englishlessonviaskype.com #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

blow a fuse

When to use: when someone gets very angry really fast like they might yell or lose control


Stuck in traffic for hours, Mark felt like he might blow a fuse.

David entered the house to find the bathroom in a total mess and blew a fuse.

blow one’s top

When to use: when someone loses their temper in a very explosive way


Stuck on his tax return for hours, Ben slammed his laptop shut and blew his top.

Tom blew his top when he realised he forgot to hit the save button and all his tax return work was gone.

calm down

Meaning: to relax and become less upset or angry


Seeing the confusing tax form, Tom took a deep breath and told himself to calm down.

Feeling overwhelmed by emails, Sarah decided a walk would help her calm down.

heated argument/debate

Meaning: a discussion where emotions are high and people often speak loudly or passionately


The politicians engaged in a heated debate over healthcare policies.

During the match, a heated argument broke out among football fans over a controversial penalty.

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fly into a rage

When to use: to describe someone suddenly becoming extremely angry, often losing control over their emotions in an explosive way


Opening the surprise medical bill, Mike instantly flew into a rage. What were these charges for?

She forgot to set the boiler on a timer, and when she received the bill, she flew into a rage.

get worked up about sth

When to use: to describe becoming increasingly upset or agitated over a particular issue or situation


There’s no point getting worked up about it. Things happen, and stressing over it won’t change the outcome.

Harry keeps getting easily worked up about the missed rubbish collections.

go berserk

Meaning: to become very angry or out of control, often behaving wildly or aggressively


Gunman goes berserk in a shopping centre.

People broke into a shopping centre last night and went berserk, breaking windows and causing chaos throughout the stores.

let off steam

Meaning: someone needs to release built-up anger or stress in a way that is not harmful


After a stressful day at work, Sarah decided to let off some steam by going for a run in the park.

Don’t worry, he’s just letting off steam by shouting a bit. He’ll be fine once he cools down.

Head to the football field, run around, kick a ball, let off steam, and get rid of frustration.

20 Advanced English Phrases for Anger

20 Advanced English phrases for anger. Improve your English skills from intermediate to advanced with www.englishlessonviaskype.com #learnenglish #englishlessons #EnglishTeacher #vocabulary #ingles #английский #aprenderingles #english #cursodeingles #учианглийский #vocabulário #dicasdeingles #learningenglish #ingilizce #englishgrammar #englishvocabulary #ielts #idiomas

lose one’s temper

Meaning: someone becomes visibly angry and unable to control their emotions


She lost her temper when she saw the mess in the kitchen.

He really lost his temper with his assistant. I’ve never heard him so angry.

maintain one’s composure

Meaning: to keep calm and control one’s emotions, especially in a difficult or stressful situation


During a heated meeting, it’s important to maintain your composure and stay calm.

If your flight is cancelled, it’s best to maintain your composure and speak calmly to the airline staff.

(sudden) outburst of temper

Meaning: an abrupt and intense display of anger or irritation, usually occurs without much warning


When his computer crashed again, John had a sudden outburst of temper and slammed his fist on the desk.

During the business meeting, Mark had a sudden outburst of temper over the project delays.

make one’s blood boil

Meaning: to make someone extremely angry, usually because of something unfair or frustrating


Standing in the queue makes his blood boil.

Getting a chatbot on the line instead of a human being always makes my blood boil.

speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 489

scream blue murder

Meaning: to shout or complain very loudly and intensely, often out of anger or distress


Dad screamed blue murder when we kept misbehaving and annoying him while he was trying to work.

Mum screamed blue murder yesterday. I’ve never seen her so annoyed.

shake one’s fist

Meaning: a gesture where someone clenches their hand and shakes it, usually to express anger or strong disapproval


He shook his fist at the phone when he heard the customer service representative’s unsatisfactory response.

He shook his fist at the sky as the rain started, ruining the picnic.

stamp one’s feet

Meaning: to forcefully hit the ground with your feet, often used to show anger or frustration


Tommy stamped his feet in anger when he was told it was time to leave the playground.

Lucy stamped her feet in frustration when her brother wouldn’t share the toys.

throw a tantrum

Meaning: to have an extreme, often noisy outburst of anger, usually with crying or shouting


My son threw a tantrum in the shoe shop when we tried to buy him new shoes, so we had to walk out.

Ronaldo threw a tantrum on the field after being substituted during the crucial match.

So here are our 20 advanced English phrases for anger.

As I mentioned, we all feel anger sometimes. Many of these situations are similar, and I’ve tried to show you when to use one phrase over another. For example, “blowing your top” or “flying into a rage” might be more suitable for certain moments.

The best way to learn these expressions is to practice them. If you don’t understand any, look them up in a dictionary or write out sentences using them. This will help you see how they sound and look. If you still need help, just come back to me at englishlessonviaskype.com, and I’ll be glad to assist you.

This is Harry saying goodbye. Thanks for watching and listening. Join me again soon.

more information

For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:

Intermediate English travel vocabulary

English vocabulary related to driving

You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.

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