English Vocabulary Words For Car Accidents

Learn English vocabulary words for car accidents. This lesson is created for non-native English speakers who want to expand their vocabulary in a practical and fun way.

It’s a great opportunity to learn vocabulary that you’ll use in daily English conversations. Talking about traffic accidents is important, as they are a common topic. Plus, knowing these advanced verbs helps you sound more like a native speaker. 

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English Vocabulary Words For Car Accidents

Today, we’re focusing on traffic accidents, a topic that often comes up in the news and everyday conversation. You’ll learn 10 important English verbs and phrasal verbs that are not only useful but essential for understanding and talking about these situations. We cover words like ‘skid’, ‘swerve’, ‘collide’, and phrases such as ‘run over’ and ‘jackknife’.

Each one is explained with simple examples, so you’ll know exactly how to use them.

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to collide

Meaning: to crash or come into direct contact with another vehicle


There was a big hold-up in the city centre today because a truck collided with a tram.

He collided with the post near the roadworks because he didn’t see the sign to slow down.

He tried to avoid the dog running on the road but collided with an oncoming bus.

to skid

Meaning: to slide or slip uncontrollably on a surface, often due to a lack of traction or loss of control


He tried to apply the brakes, but nothing happened, causing the car to skid uncontrollably on the wet road.

Be careful when driving in winter! The icy roads could cause your car to skid unexpectedly.

He came around the corner a little too fast. His car skidded and he lost control.

English Vocabulary Words For Car Accidents

English Vocabulary Words For Car Accidents. English speaking skills. Improve English speaking skills. Upgrade your vocabulary. English grammar rules. Improve English speaking. Advanced English lessons on Zoom and Skype. Improve English speaking and writing skills. #learnenglish

to swerve

Meaning: to suddenly change direction, typically to avoid something or someone in the way


He swerved to avoid a dog on the road.

Someone pulled out unexpectedly, and I swerved to avoid having an accident.

to hit the car head-on

Meaning: to collide with another vehicle directly, impacting it from the front


I had to hit the car head-on because I couldn’t swerve or avoid it.

She accidentally drove on the wrong side of the road in the UK and hit the car head-on.

to jackknife

Meaning: is used to describe a type of dangerous situation where a vehicle, especially a truck or trailer, folds at the joint, resulting in a V-shape


The truck made a sudden stop and jackknifed, blocking the road.

In the afternoon, long tailbacks on the M6 were caused by a jackknifed lorry following a crash with a car.

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to overshoot (the bend)

Meaning: to go further than the intended stopping point, often because of travelling too fast or failing to judge the distance accurately


During a heavy snowstorm, a plane failed to stop in time and overshot the runway at Chicago Midway Airport.

The driver accidentally overshot the bend, going a bit too far and missing the correct path of the road.

to crash into something

Meaning: to collide forcefully with an object, often causing damage


Many years ago, Harry crashed into a gatepost and did a lot of damage to the rear door of his car.

I had an accident and crashed into my garage door, causing damage to my car.

 to write off

Meaning: to declare a vehicle as a total loss or irreparable after an accident


The insurance company decided to write off the car after the severe crash.

When I crashed my car into a wall, it got badly damaged, and I had to write it off.

English Vocabulary Words For Car Accidents

English Vocabulary Words For Car Accidents. English speaking skills. Improve English speaking skills. Upgrade your vocabulary. English grammar rules. Improve English speaking. Advanced English lessons on Zoom and Skype. Improve English speaking and writing skills. #learnenglish

to shatter

Meaning: to break or burst suddenly into many small pieces, often with a loud noise


The windscreen was shattered by a brick dropped from a construction site above.

Some thugs dropped a brick onto a car travelling along the road, causing the windscreen to shatter.

to run over

Meaning: to drive a vehicle over someone or something, causing injury or damage


The driver didn’t see the dog and accidentally ran over it.

A father of two was run over by a car while helping a family of ducks to cross the road.

I hope you’ve found these English vocabulary words related to car accidents useful. Learning these words can help you understand and talk about accidents better.

If you need more help, you can contact me at englishlessonviaskype.com. I have lots of helpful lessons and materials for all levels. Whether you’re a beginner or want to get better, you’ll find something there for you.

Thanks for listening and watching, and keep learning! 🚗📘🌟

speak better English with Harry podcast- episode 467

more information

For more information on English grammar rules, English collocations and English idioms, check out the links below:

12 Collocations with the Preposition IN

C1 English Verbs to Improve FLUENCY

You can always study English advanced level at Learning English with the BBC and British Council Learn English.

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